sabato 13 maggio 2017


Uno studio di coorte molto approfondito del prestigioso British Medical Journal  ha dimostrato che il consumo di carni rosse e processate si correla con un aumento medio di mortalità del 26% per tutte le cause e per nove cause specifiche. La correlazione più forte è emersa con la mortalità da epatopatia cronica che aumenta del 230% nei forti consumatori di carni rosse.
Qui appresso riporto l'introduzione dell'articolo:
Red and processed meats have been shown to be associated with increased rates of premature death in a few cohort studies and meta-analyses. Although 60% of the US population meet the recommended meat protein intake, substituting the types of meat with known health hazards with healthier options may be beneficial. 
Evidence on what constitutes “healthier options” has been accumulating. 
Some studies have shown health advantages for white meat intake, whereas others have not. Also, none of the studies has made a distinction between processed and unprocessed white meat intake, and some authors believe that all types of processed meat are equally harmful.
The effects of meat on human health may be due to ingredients such as heme iron, nitrates, and nitrites. High intakes of heme iron have been shown to be associated with cancer and cardiovascular disease. Nitrates and nitrites are added to meat during the curing process. 
Some investigators believe that nitrates from vegetable sources may have potential benefits, particularly for cardiovascular health, but nitrate/nitrite from drinking water and processed meat has been associated with increased risks of different cancers. 
Little evidence is available on the independent effects of these compounds on mortality; as meat products are rich in these ingredients, the extent to which they mediate meat associated outcomes is an important question.
In the National Institutes of Health (NIH)-AARP Diet and Health Study, more than half a million 50-71 year old people from six states and two metropolitan areas in the US have been followed up for almost 16 years, and the total number of deaths due to different causes has exceeded 128 000. This number, which is comparable to the combined number of deaths in recent meta-analyses of meat intake and mortality, has allowed us to explore associations with less common underlying causes of death and many subgroup analyses with adequate power. In addition, the availability of data on the intake of nitrate, nitrite, and heme iron, which are important meat associated compounds, allows us to test both the independent effects of these compounds and their mediation effects on meat associated outcomes.
Qui trovate l'articolo completo: BMJ

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