giovedì 13 luglio 2017


Secondo l'OCSE - OECD nel tradizionale GOVERNAMENT AT A GLANCE: 
"Italy has the highest proportion of central government employees aged 55 or older The share of Italy’s central government workforce aged over 55 years is close to 45%, compared to the 24% average across the OECD countries. Italy also has the lowest share of young people working for the central government, where only 2% workers are between 18 and 34 years old. This calls for careful workforce planning that will ensure that the mass retirement of employees will not result in loss of institutional memory and will not affect the quality of public services".
In sostanza l'Italia ha la classe dirigente più vecchia, questo grazie ai famosi blocchi del turn over.
Una delle tante "vittorie" dei bocconiani che hanno distrutto la pubblica amministrazione. 

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